As always, you are a voice for sanity in an insane world.

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Jul 31Liked by Dave Morrison

Great article, Dave, as always… Like you, I dislike both candidates… Both have done/said things that they like to never hear in a sound byte… That said, whomever is elected will be my President… If it gets crazy, I have an escape strategy…

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Pretty much…

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The use of the term bloodbath related to economics began in the 1960s

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Thanks for the catch. I'm normally good at fact-checking, but I screwed up this time. I added an apology for that in the piece.

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Jul 31Liked by Dave Morrison

Great writings as usual Dave!!! If Harris wants to run the country, she needs to step up professionally in her media appearances. The latest Obama approval phone call video, looked and sounded very fake. Why couldn't he do it live? But even that could be fake these days. Being a professional audio guy, Obama's voice supposedly captured by her lapel mic on her vest (?).. from the speaker phone (?), would sound nothing like that. And why was she holding the phone to her ear? To me, Obama's voice was indeed added later.. if it was even his voice. There was also a video edit that didn't make sense. She's walking down the sidewalk when the Obamas call and all of a sudden, she's standing next to a black SUV. Both are setup shots and the conversation would not flow. The other media trick is to add crowd noise. Her latest rallies have her audio coming from a camera mic (not from the audio board).. very unprofessional. It also contains strange and inconsistent crowd sounds. Just turning the camera around would really help. A great example of adding crowd noise to a concert, is the "Frampton Comes Alive!" album. All the crowd was added later. Quite an amazing job actually. I know this, because a friend of mine had the original recording that came from the live recorded radio program.. there was no crowd, but VERY well played! Being aware of this, it turns out that most concerts have added crowd noise, because its very difficult to get good, live crowd noise with the speakers blasting the crowd. All very well done and super creative! Harris needs to hire those people.

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Politics is a dirty business. It's almost impossible these days to know what is fact and fiction. And it's gonna get worse as AI gets better.

Thanks for all you do, Brother!

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YAY!!! I just want to have fun!!! Being a pixel and audio specialist, I know things. And lately, I just plan on everything being fake.

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True, I thought the very same and said so to my wife. Thanks.

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Jul 31Liked by Dave Morrison

I still have a problem with the way we have changed voting laws. I firmly believe in voter ID; why is requiring it wrong? <crickets> Also, the way voting is spread out over months in some States seems eerie to me too. It's things like this that have come into play lately, and "that," not other issues, might be driving the real vote count imagined or not. That said, I agree that your phrase here ---> "It’s always been a general rule that demonstrations and riots occur when Democrats are pissed off." And I think it still holds true since they believe the loudest wins (and they're right all too often). My good friends who listen faithfully to main-stream media didn't know the coined 2020 expression of The Summer of Love, and they truly did not have the same understanding as me of the MANY riots throughout that period along with the billions in damage to people who did NOTHING to them, nothing at all. Didn't seem to matter or they'd have spoken up about it. But had it been the other side/group, well, that's altogether different. Guess that's the whole point you're making, so let's see what happens. Better yet, let's see what does NOT happen. Thanks Dave, good writing!

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Jul 31Liked by Dave Morrison

Thanks for another great article. I too find both candidates distasteful. If Trump wins, there will be rioting by the left, mainly as a free for all shopping spree. If Harris wins, there will be a quiet shuffling of economic funds seeking locations outside the US where prosperity may still reign.

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If I learned anything from the 2020 election, I learned that the political barometer of my state is no indication of the outcome. It's all in the swing states. The national election wasn't determined by the hard leaning states.

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Not every one who will vote for Trump is a Magamaniac minion, Dave. Believe it or not, there are millions of level headed, informed i.e. not willfully ignorant, center minded people who believe Trump was robbed of the presidency in 2020 and the very same who are prepared for the same thing to happen this go around. If the election isn't stolen Trump will be eliminated by execution. One attempt failed. The next one won't. Your beloved left will stop at nothing to win the power and control they so slavishly adore, and the destruction of this republic is the end game. The founders understood exactly where a democracy leads, and it's nowhere good. That's why the United States of America is NOT a democracy.

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Anybody reading your comment will see that I'm right about Trumpers. You forget, I used to make videos that AVERAGED 50,000 views. Four of them a month for 5 years. I had access to thousands and thousands of viewer comments, and I watched in real time as normal center-right conservatives like me got pushed out by MAGA group-think. Trading away objective thought for the affirming narratives of a group does not mean you're crazy. That's what most humans do. They believe things on zero evidence, because joining a group with a common set of beliefs gives them the two things that every human wants. 1. A sense of belonging. 2. A sense of purpose.

Religion is the most obvious and universal example.

Fully buying into Trump's narratives, is no different - in human terms - from adopting woke ideation whole hog.

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I'm afraid you completely misconstrued what I meant, and misjudged me when you categorize me as a "Trumper". I am not the latter, and I am sorry I wasn't able to clearly communicate what I meant.

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Dang, Dave! I have to agree with HUMDEEDEE, here - your reply is out of “left field”.

I sense you may have some PTSD from MAGA, but not all who voted for Trump are cult members.

I found your channel during Trump’s presidency (which, if you will recall was considered to be illegitimate by a significant portion of our society.) as I could no longer tolerate the ubiquitous anti-Trump messaging from the legacy media, the papers of record, all D politicians and some R politicians, Hollywood, the judicial system, the education system, many three letter agencies, social media and hi-tech CEOs with their algorithms silencing conservative messaging, as well as many of my Democrat friends.

Your channel was an oasis of even-handed praise/criticism of Trump. Maybe you attracted more than beaten-down conservative/libertarians like me and garnered a few too many MAGA in your audience?

I’m mostly a pro-2A guy and realized, as hard as it was to vote for Trump, especially after the October Surprise of the Access Hollywood tape, the Supreme Court would advance gun control significantly with HRC’s nominations. I felt I HAD to vote for the guy.

So many people paint California with a blue brush. But, as you point out, there are a significant number of conservatives here. Not all Californians are Democrats - just as all Trump supporters are not “Trumpers”, or MAGA.

What part of HUMDEEDEE’s comment convinced you they were a “Trumper”?

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A few days after Trump won the 2016 election I registered as a first-time Republican.

If Trump wins good, but to me it looks like the US is sliding towards becoming a one-party socialist country and four years of a Republican president probably won't prevent that. I think it all has to do with cell phones, technology, etc. I'm not optimistic.

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It's not so bleak, Gary. Both parties have lost enormous credibility. Woke excesses on the one hand and Trump-as-savior group-think on the other side. So many smart people have left both parties, that Independents - as a voting bloc - are as big in number as both parties put together.

Also the biggest donors to both parties are super-capitalists. Nowhere is capitalism more alive than in Silicon Valley. We may well undergo some Denmark-like moves toward the uber-rich covering healthcare and education, but the Scandinavian countries have figured out that too much state power inhibits business. It kills the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Everybody knows that now.

Our problem is hyper-partisanism. That's what makes everybody crazy. If Independents can organize themselves into an enormous bloc of thoughtful pragmatic voters, they will make extremism on either side politically untenable.

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Aug 1Liked by Dave Morrison

I may be crazy, but I couldn’t agree more. On-point. A voice of calm, thoughtful reasoning...if and when I find myself in SoCal, lunch is on me... just name the food truck!

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Ha! Okay, Big Spender ... we'll do it!

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Truth is in the middle.

Voting will tell on who wins. From the middle it is easy to see some good from both sides. I agree that we need to quit being sore looser and more important than that we all need to avoid being sore winners.

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