Who is Dave Morrison?

Some of you know me from my center-right opinion videos on a YouTube channel called Blue Collar Logic. Others through my long semi-professional career as a Singer-Songwriter in and around Los Angeles. Or from my Facebook presence since about 2010. I’m an ordinary guy with all of the flaws and foibles that we all have. What sets me apart, is that I’m pretty good at writing it all down, and making sense of it all.

Why should you subscribe to Morrison At Large?

You should subscribe if you get something useful from the things that I write, whether those things be songs, essays about life, or my reflections about what it means to be human. OR … my amateur analysis of US politics & American Culture.

I’ll try to keep my musings on-point, and organized roughly into the categories you’ll find on my home page. Some overlap will probably happen. We’ll figure it out as we go.

If you subscribe, my latest writings will show up in your email automatically. That will cost you nothing.

Why should you choose a paid subscription?

From my perspective, the primary advantage of your paid subscription is that I’ll be able to make ends meet a little easier.

From your perspective, though, the advantage is that you’ll be part of a community. You’ll be able to weigh in on comments-threads, and get to know people in a way that YouTube didn’t facilitate very well. (actually ‘comments’ will be available to free subscribers too for a while, so don’t worry about that for now)

Hopefully we’ll all make intelligent, thoughtful friends who are scattered around the country and the world. That will make all of our lives richer. Particularly when we travel.

A paid subscription will cost you $5 a month. If you get some value out of my writings, then five bucks is probably a reasonable amount. You may give more if you’d like, but don’t get carried away. I’m not trying to get rich.

Thanks for stopping by.

Yours, Dave

Subscribe to Morrison At Large

Various Essays and Musings, Including Cultural Critiques, My Post-Partisan Political Opinions, Personal Stories, and General Insights Gathered Over The Years


The guy from Blue Collar Logic, a once popular YouTube channel. Dave is now proudly 'post-partisan'. Unbeholden to anything but the truth.