Jun 27Liked by Dave Morrison

Hey Dave there's some connection here to your No Country for Old Men article. I am interested in who you think are the emerging leaders for Presidency post Biden/Trump. What are your thoughts on Gavin Newsom?

Thanks and great article again!

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Hey Josh. Months ago, I did a video on Blue Collar Logic that named Newsom as a possible replacement for Biden AFTER the convention. I still think that's possible. More likely than any others except Harris. I'm unclear on what the obligation would be for the party to favor her as a replacement, if Biden bows out under pressure, as opposed to dying or becoming clearly incapacitated.

Newsom would probably be a lousy president, but he'd be a fiery and telegenic opponent for Trump. The dude is brutal on the debate stage.

Going forward, I'm looking for examples of what I call 'The Alpha Centrist'. Somebody who is fearless about criticizing - or praising - ideas from either side of the spectrum. Lately, I've become aware of Scott Galloway. Entrepreneur and professor, with politics that are hard to pin down. He's very focused on the needs of young people, and fixing education and lots of entitlements that transfer wealth to those who already have an awful lot.

Check out this TED talk by him. He's a badass communicator with some really interesting ideas. https://youtu.be/qEJ4hkpQW8E?si=IiwfAVZFpAPrnhrf

Have a great weekend.

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Jun 27Liked by Dave Morrison

Yep.. old geezers for sure! Wait a minute,, I’m an old geezer. I think the debate tonight is just for entertainment. Not many will be swayed differently. Trump is the draw.. the wild card. So for entertainment that would last for a long time, I think he should walk out before it’s over. Think of the love AND hate that would generate instantly. Unless he signed a deal that he would be fined a billion dollars, it’s a possibility. I might watch my fellow geezers duke it out tonight, but my cat may want to go for a walk.

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Trump's gag order from the New York judge was rescinded yesterday, so I expect that Trump will try to trash the prosecutor and the witnesses. It should be funny to watch as he constantly has his mic turned off. lol

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I'm not watching it. I can't stand seeing either of them make fools of themselves and this country. Sorry, but how anyone who has been tuned in since 2020 or before could vote for Biden don't deserve the honor of voting. Ignorance is not bliss for this country. As for Trump, it's nearly a guarantee that he will be an embarrassment of a different kind. I voted for him twice and will defend his 4 years as president right up until the catastrophe of his handling of Covid. He was in a no win situation for sure, but he let his handlers influence him to sacrifice what was good for the country to what they were sure would be good for him and them. Idiots. All of them.

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Jun 27Liked by Dave Morrison

This may be the only debate that will make a difference. It is a view on how hard the toughest job in the country has been on the guy who holds it now.

All politicians say outrageous things. So not going to be a surprise. The “how” they deal with pressure and challenges will be telling.

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True. Here we had two guys with records as president, each being blamed by the other for every single bad thing that happened on their watch, and credited with nothing. Even if outright lies were necessary. This is a tawdry system we've allowed to take shape. But if that's the best we can now expect, Donald Trump is clearly more able to play the game.

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Jun 28Liked by Dave Morrison

Sorry Dave but I was busy most of yesterday and didn't get to this until today - a day late and a dollar short I guess. Great thoughts, but I do look forward to an update on this. Thanks as always.

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