Jul 10Liked by Dave Morrison

I'm glad you're feeling better and hope you have no lingering effects. I am unvaccinated. At the beginning of the pandemic, my doctor told me that a prescription I take to control triglycerides was clinically proven to be 70% effective for preventing infection and could reduce severity of symptoms by 70% if infection occurred (I found the published research study). I went with that because the government granted blanket immunity from prosecution if the vaccines proved problematic. I did get the Delta variant in 2022, it was a cold. The bottom line is it should never have been a mandate and has caused mayhem for people who had to comply to keep their jobs. Sure, there are multitudes of people who have no complications, but the ones who do are screwed.

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I was paying close attention. I had many thousands of comments on our videos with which to map trends. MAGA Trumpers, massively, and as a group, turned into anti-vaxxers LONG before mandates. The mandates were a reaction to the stalling out of vaccine acceptance.

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And? The bottom line for me is there should never have been a mandate at all, especially when it concerns matters of personal medical choice. We're either a free country or we're not. This gets down to the essence of the difference between a republic and a democracy. The first represents individual freedom and responsibility as opposed to mob rule by the second.

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Jul 9Liked by Dave Morrison

Thanks, partner -- for the very kind and touching tribute as well as the important message. I would like to say clearly (1) that I am naturally left of center politically, based on my life experiences and probably organically rooted in my core personality, while Dave is generally on the other side of the great divide (although not always, as he thinks independently), and (2) the dialogues that we have had about all aspects of life are not always easy but they are almost always profoundly enriching and enlightening. I emerge from these conversations more hopeful about all of our capacity to work together to benefit the country and human race that we belong to and cherish. It takes being willing to face hard truths (the significance of anomalies in the data -- evidence that doesn't fit assumptions) and to be accurately humble as limited human beings -- but so does being a good parent, right? I mean, this isn't rocket science. We all understand the art and importance of honest self-reflection. It doesn't mean that we are not passionate about ensuring that people are not hurt by bad government decisions; we just know that solving common problems is complicated and there might be aspects of the situation that we don't understand from our particular perspective. The heart of what Dave and I have been able to do with each other, I think , is to take a breath when triggered and remember that the person in front of you is....a person... just like you are, with the same fundamental hopes, dreams, longings. A person who also loves good songs and the melodies that carry them straight to the heart.

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Jul 9Liked by Dave Morrison

Great read Dave! And very happy your case was not more serious and you’re back in action again!

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Jul 9Liked by Dave Morrison

Very glad you are on the mend. Another good read. And Happy Birthday to Alexia!

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Hey Dave. So glad you're feeling better. I caught that miserable virus last year in Hong Kong. Fortunately, I didn't start getting symptoms till I was back home. I'm with you on the vax thing. It is a personal, choice, and nobody should be on either side of the debate. I am 99% sure getting vaxed saved my life. Anyway, I look forward to you next entry. Also, please wish Alexia a very happy belated birthday. Take care

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Glad to hear you are doing well! My wife and I haven't gotten the virus yet. We have also gotten all the boosters along the way. Couldn't be more impressed with the vaccine. I always get my flu shot as well. Modern medicine isn't the same as it was decades ago. Many older folks think doctors are just "winging-it" and trying to run up a bill. I recommend people take advice from professionals instead of political propagandists.

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Good one, again. My quick(?) comment on COVID during 2021 after already having the first 2 and then 1 booster was that my medical plan prevented me from learning the amount of immunity I had in my body, an actual measurement so that I could decide if I wanted yet another booster. There is indeed herd immunity to some degree. They said they couldn't do it because there were no standards to measure against (I'm still not convinced since they had to measure the vaccination effectiveness against something). Well, okay then, hand me the disclaimer with my results and let me decide what to do, let me interpret the numbers and decide for myself. I don't appreciate anyone just telling me what to do; basically sell me, not tell me. Anyway, I haven't had another booster since the first one. Got COVID in late Nov 2023 and it was really nothing bad, but I knew I had it even before confirming with the test. And to further agree with you, long story short, my sister, her husband (who had underlying conditions already) and two daughters were anti-vaxers and always had been for years, and one daughter visited Dad, later realized she caught COVID and was contagious, he got it, got ill, very ill, and died within a few weeks. With his medical problems, he should have “risked” the vax even if his family didn’t. Sad. Anyway - stay well!

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Thank you Dave..blessings and best.. I keep my immune system mostly intact w deep leafy green vegetables. Guess mom had it right all along. 🙏

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