I actually remember watching that April 23 COVID briefing live, and later being amazed that the only thing people remembered was the bleach talk. That was ALSO the briefing where then-CDC director Robert Redfield revealed the results of their research on where COVID-19 could survive. Indoors without ventilation the virus could survive for something like 20 hours+ or so. Outside, in full ventilation with a breeze, it could only survive for less than 2 seconds -- that was literally the number -- 2 seconds. I remember it well.

The media and certain west coast governors laughed at Trump for being so stupid and not listening to science, and then proceeded to keep beaches, parks, tennis courts and hiking trails closed.

Let that sink in.

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Good read Dave. In my early years after college I worked at the NC Department of Corrections for 5+ years. An excellent criminal justice professor in a class I took gave participants a great lesson in facts/laws being shaped by one’s perspective, regarding our thoughts on capital punishment. He said, ‘If someone raped and murdered your daughter I imagine all of you would be for the death penalty. If, however your son was accused of the same crime you might plead for a different outcome’.

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The landscape has changed.

A 20 year old has spent his entire formative years hearing the same opinion from teachers and media. Time to take a step back and find a better approach.

The fight in our GOP candidate is inspiring and we need fighters like that facing the dictators of the world. He may be a flawed man but one heck of a tough nosed leader of our nation.

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Specifically, who is the fighter you're talking about? I always hear the same sentiments about their guy depending on what party they belong to. Pardon my confusion but considering The Democrats and the media are freaking out about Trump being a future dictator while Biden actually ignores a scotus ruling and harnesses the media and justice department for their own ends it's difficult to tell who someone is unless specified.

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The words “the fight in our GOP candidate”. seem to speak for themselves. If you can’t figure out who that is , I’m not sure I can help.

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Yes it does but but for some reason I got stuck on that one sentence and it seemed odd to me and then later on when you mentioned needing a leader to fight dictators, all I could think about was the Democrats calling Trump a dictator. Anyhow, I agree with you although you could have helped me out by just naming Trump or even the letter T for those of us that sometimes get Biden brain.

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Great article Dave. You took a really good angle bringing up some of those finer details leading up to this event.

It is disconcerting that this has happened. The world needs more stability right now but I doubt we'll see that for a while.

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One of the differences between the time when I was young and now is simply the pace of life. Everything continues to accelerate. Getting people's attention who move at this speed seems to require shouting at them -- but shouting isn't the best medium for communicating complicated truths. It takes more extreme and aggressive language to provoke a reaction, more dramatic actions to stay in the public mind for more than 15 seconds. It would be so good if we could actually it rachet down the intensity of the conflict, but it would take a common decision by all parties, like the nuclear arms freeze. Maybe we should give our best international peace negotiators the job.

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That's an interesting idea, Lex. Definitely something to think about. Actual peace talks between our political parties.

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It might not be perfect, but peace is often the result of mutually assured destruction. The problem is one mistake and it actually could lead to destruction but it may be the best we can get on this earthly realm.

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Crazy world we’re in right now and for the last 10+ years. Rhetoric from all sides needs to be toned way down. It’s sad that average people can be so-o-o duped. I have friends who right away, as the shooting became known, stated all types of things like it’s the CIA, or maybe a Bernie Bro, or illegal alien, etc., all before we even knew for sure it was a real bullet. This never used to happen, but I must admit I can see how it happens when TV, social media, and dinner table conversations go into weird conspiracy theories with no one else challenging them right then and there. And our Government doesn’t help either since it either holds back information from us or just plain lies (and possibly corrects the record later without any fanfare). Perhaps this will be a defining moment when cooler and more sensible heads get the spotlight instead of weirdoes. Thanks Dave.

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How many things espoused by "weirdos" has come to be found correct or plausible enough to warrant an investigation in the past 16 years despite the lies, suppression and ignoring by federal agencies and the media?

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Understood, but I'll use the odds most of the time. It's certainly not fool-proof, it's sort of like plausible vs probable. Possible yes; probable no.

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Normally I would agree but these are not normal times when many experts in their fields are classified under the weirdo label for having alternate opinions from the government narrative and risk getting labeled as such, censored, losing their jobs, funding etc. Why give The government the benefit of the doubt when they pressure media platforms to censor certain opinions they don't like? Until it was proven even saying that would get you labeled as a conspiracy nut.

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I guess it’s semantics when I casually said weirdos. I see your point. What should I call those people who get outsized attention, perhaps just for the sake of getting attention?

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I don't know. It's nice to have a single word to describe everyone we disagree with but perhaps it's better to take on each case individually, say that's wrong and explain why or at least attach a link to an article explaining why. We all like using ad hominims but that never really gets you anywhere convincing people to your side and often boomerangs though it is still pleasurable to think it. 😀

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Pretty much 👍

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