What a beautiful reminiscence of your friend. You do him proud, keeping his memory alive. I listened to both Mark's and your rendition of Leap Day, which I loved, and what a nice confluence of timing. One of my oldest friend's birthday is on 2/29, so I sent the song to her, because truly, the lyrics fit the essence of her so well.

The song Waverly is a poignant story of many lives - that's what good music and lyrics do - paint pictures many can relate to.

Your stories and music are a pleasure to read and listen to. Both Mark brought, and you give joy and a spirit of generosity, using the talents God gave you. Thank you for sharing them with us.

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Thank you Dear. Somewhere along the line Mark and I decided that being a singer-songwriter was a 'service job'. That's a pretty good guardrail for any public activity really. When I stray from that into ego gratification or greed, I hit the wall pretty quick. :0)

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Excellent philosophy to live by. A spirit of service and a generous heart spread joy wherever they are found

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A heart felt tribute. I'm sure Mark is smiling down on you. I remember him from my time on FB, we had some wonderful exchanges and he had a gracious demeanor.

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Mar 1Liked by Dave Morrison

Thanks for sharing your life and music with us. It makes me feel lucky to be alive to be able to be part of this.

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And your comment makes me feel lucky as well, Jerry. Thank you.

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Mar 1Liked by Dave Morrison

Great life story.. LOVE the songs and recordings!!!

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Thanks Gary!

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Mark made miracles, for sure. And his gentle skepticism made his belief in marvelous possibilities all that much more believable...thanks for bringing him back -- on Leap Day! He would have enjoyed that.

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Thank you Dave great story. I remember seeing a show w your label mates in this quint coffeehouse up in Sierra madre mark was very enthusiastic 😊

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Feb 29Liked by Dave Morrison

In all the shit that gets thrown at us every day, it's nice to know that there are decent people in the world.

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If everybody became determined to just be a decent human being, the world would repair itself overnight.

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