Jun 30Liked by Dave Morrison


Bottom line politicians don’t give up power without a fight. And the media wants to be liked, so they will say what they think their audience wants to hear.

If both of those groups would act in the best interest of the country and go along for the ride of prosperity, we would all get what we want. Media will be liked, politicians will be respected and voted for. And most importantly the country would be better for it.

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Jun 30Liked by Dave Morrison

Anyone truly surprised at Biden's poor debate is someone who has been tricked and fooled by their own news sources over these many last years (not months, years). They likely have TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and therefore would not believe anything that works to make Trump look better than Biden. They love to hate yet justify this hate as "okay this time because of evil Trump," not realizing that this same hate goes so much farther, enough to completely segregate our nation into them and everyone else. And speaking of liars, wow, have they not also heard Biden throughout his career years through today, sputter out one whopper after another? Two liars certainly don’t make a good, but really, how had they missed that? Bottom line for me is which 4 years do I want, Trump’s or Biden’s, and who can best implement them as our two main choices of President?

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Jun 30Liked by Dave Morrison

Hi Dave, I didn't even watch the debate knowing full well the debacle that was about to happen. Watching the various clips of Joe leading up to the debate it was damn near obvious what was going to transpire and waking up the next day my suspicions were clearly on target. What happens from here is probably going to be ugly for Biden....I do look forward to when the Biden insiders looking forward to demanding what they are owned and buy beach houses by writing books about the inside truth of this debacle. It will be discussed for years and forever change the democratic party, probably for the better.

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Jul 1Liked by Dave Morrison

I fear you are right and I hope you are wrong. NPR held a call in today, with a couple of pundits in residence, one who believes that Biden should step down now and give the Presidency over to Kamala Harris, and one who is a specialist in psychological reactions to political events. I remember that he talked more about depression and anxiety than denialism. He said that the political class (defined as those who feel some power to impact the situation) are exhibiting symptoms of anxiety and the masses of ordinary democrats are feeling depression, which tends to cause withdrawal. I don't defend the cowardice of the party leadership but I imagine that there is a different conversation being heard publicly than the one going on privately -- from my experience, I think that there is a strategy going on where some are taking responsibility for fanning the flame of public pressure, and others who have a direct relationship appear publicly to support Biden so that he will enter into conversation with them. Most of the callers on NPR agreed that Biden should step down and that he probably won't. A few said that Biden should be judged by his record as President and not his debate presence, and that we should all support him. The moderators of the conversation pointed out the real impact of the debate on moderates and independents, whom Biden needs in order to win. Others said any lack of full support pours oil on the flames, and that it would die down otherwise. I think that's wishful thinking myself -- but I could not have predicted Kevin de Leon (in the local scandal at the LA City Council) being able to keep his seat by pure extended stubbornness -- so we will just have to see what occurs. Definitely wild times.

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Jun 30Liked by Dave Morrison

I have been watching the media meltdown for the last few days too. I don't think Biden is going to step aside. Jill is power hungry. She rather enjoys her perks as FLOTUS. That's obvious as no decent wife would ever put her husband through such embarrassment on the world stage like she has.

So, because he will not leave willingly, he will have to be forced out. I look for the 25th Ammendment coming near August around the convention. They have to find someone they can win with, but who is up for debate. I personally think it will be Michelle Obama. Though she says she is not interested, I take that with a grain of salt.

Bottom line, they know Joe can't win, and they will not put all their eggs in that basket. It's a do-or-die election that the Dems cannot afford to lose, but more importantly, neither can we, the American people.

We will have to keep an eye on things. There is a lot of time between now and November.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Dave Morrison

Thanks Dave. Denialism is an amazing thing. Another angle I put on this is the hubris of the political class. Tricks out of D.C. are legendary for all political parties. You can propose a fiscal budget for a 10% spending increase, bring that down to 5%, and claim that you "cut 5%" of the budget. Another sleight of hand is scheduling proposed spending increases either very short term or just beyond the 10-year limit used by the CBO to asses the effect on deficits in order to juice the fiscal score. And they can weave a narrative for the press that makes them look responsible when it is really a shell game.

I too have seen the Democratic establishment chalk the debate up to a "bad night". What is absurd is unlike the verbal gimmicks of D.C., people KNOW what happens here. They remember Dad or Uncle Maurice looking off in the distance and fumbling for words at Biden's age. And even though there are good days and bad days, EVERYONE who has had an elderly relative knows -- this does NOT get better. The trend line is inevitable decline. No one comes back from this in any meaningful way.

So for anyone watching, either the "bad night" crowd is really, really delusional, or they are perpetuating a lie, and I can't see how they are actually delusional.

And this is the class that will moan and complain and ask "How did this happen?" the next time a survey comes out revealing how trust in institutions has declined to new lows, and propose a commission and marketing campaign to boost public trust in government bodies, public health, educational institutions, etc.

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Biden sounded better at the debate than at many other public speeches.

We need to enact the 25th amendment

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